Le Crestet

This charming village of 516 inhabitants has many monuments witnessing a rich history.


Hamlet of Monteil

Some characteristic passages on our roads owe their names to the former Cévennes mule drivers, who named them after their appearance. Thus the "Monteil" is the "ascent", hence the name of the place.

The Romanesque church was destroyed during the religious wars and rebuilt in the 17th century. Under the columns of the porch, don't forget to admire historical capitals from the 11th century. 

Each year, a procession was organized at St. Peter's Fountain to bless the cranky children. Even today, this tradition is perpetuated at the end of June or beginning of July! Young parents; this is your chance! 

The castle on the square (XVIth) and the one in the domain of Basse Cour (XVIIth) are sites to see.

On the spot