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"Motors... Action!" At Pays de Lamastre

Welcome to the page dedicated to film shoots in the Pays de Lamastre, where the magic of the silver screen meets the splendor of our landscapes. For decades, our region has attracted film-makers in search of authentic, natural settings to bring their captivating stories to life. Memorable scenes have been filmed here, in enchanting locations that transport you to another universe. This page is your gateway to discover the films and series that have chosen the Pays de Lamastre as their backdrop, as well as the emblematic sites where these shoots took place. Get ready to plunge into the world of cinema and explore the locations that have inspired talented directors. Whether you're a curious film buff or simply looking for a new experience, let yourself be enchanted by the marriage between the seventh art and the natural beauty of the Pays de Lamastre.


Enjoy the DVD "Lamastre fait son cinéma" on sale at the tourism board in Lamastre and Désaignes. Price : 12€.

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Capitaine Marleau S3E8 (2020)

Captain Marleau investigates the murder of Robert Lanski, who was shot at close range at the controls of his newly restored steam locomotive. Five years earlier, he had been found responsible for a train accident in which Nathan Girard, a 15-year-old teenager, had lost his life. Was it revenge? Marleau suspects that Father Damien, the missing boy's uncle, knows more than he lets on. Since Nathan's death, Damien has been taking care of his sister Roxane, an art restorer, who still hasn't recovered from her son's death.

Knock (2017)

Doctor Knock is a former thug turned doctor who arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice in order to make his fortune using a particular method. Following his adage "Every healthy man is a sick man who doesn't know it "1, he will make the villagers believe, by cleverly manipulating them, that they are not as healthy as they might think. This is how he will find a symptom in everyone, most often imaginary, and thus be able to exercise his profession profitably. Under his seductive airs and after having acquired the confidence of the village, Knock is on the point of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

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Elles et moi (2008)

January 1939. The fall of Barcelona consecrates the defeat of the Spanish Republicans. Five hundred thousand of them choose exile. When they arrived in France, the men were disarmed and interned in camps. As for the families, the administration distributed them in improvised centers, several of which were in the Ardèche. Elles et moi chooses to follow the destiny of the Esteva family during those terrible months and the five years of war that followed.

While Lluis refuses to accept defeat and dreams of reconquest, Pilar seeks above all to survive and raise her children Isabel and Igniacio. She knows that this new country will be hers for a long time and despite the difficulties, she tries to integrate. Sixty years later, Isabel Esteva, who has become a world-famous fashion designer, recalls this troubled time...

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Arsène Lupin (2003)

At 26 years old, Arsène Lupin is a carefree thief who robs the Parisian aristocracy. His meeting with the enchanting Countess of Cagliostro gives wings to the carefree robber that is Arsène Lupin. Launched on the trail of the treasure of the kings of France, coveted by a mysterious brotherhood, he multiplies the coups d'éclat. But his quest will be disturbed by his passion for the venomous countess.

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Les Enfants du marais (1998)

"We're breadwinners, but we're not pain in the ass" is the philosophy of Garris, a simple, generous and somewhat poetic man who lives by a pond with his friend Riton, who is raising three rambunctious children from his second marriage. Riton, from time to time, drowns his sorrows in red wine to try to forget his first wife and great love. Around them there is also Amédée, a dreamer with a passion for reading, Pépé, an old swamp man who has become rich, and Tane, the local train driver. One day, Garris meets a young woman, Marie.

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Paul Verlaine suffocates with his wife Mathilde. The young Arthur Rimbaud desperately needed to be loved. Between the years 1871 and 1873, the two poets had relations as passionate as stormy and lived a hellish affair...

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La Colline aux mille enfants (1994)

In the fall of 1941, in a village in the Cevennes. Martha, the wife of Pastor Jean Fontaine, opens the door to Clara, a young Jewish girl. She asks them for help. Some time later, the pastor urges his flock to take in Jewish children who are being hunted by the Nazis. The man was finally listened to: several boys and girls arrived in the small town.

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Publicité Panzani ravioli (1985)

"Reviens Léon, j'ai les mêmes à la maison !" "Come back Leon, I have the same ones at home!"

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Les Poings fermés (Le Soldat qui dort) (1985)

14-18. A child goes to visit his father who is hospitalized after a serious coma. Soon his mother sends him away from the war, to Mother Cazal. The latter, with the help of her daughter Suzanne, a young mute, takes care of the tiny station of Saint-Hilaire, clinging to the side of a wild mountain. Despite the anguish of separation, the child lives a peaceful life. One day the train drops off an unexpected passenger. It is Henri, the son of the mother Cazal, sent back from the front. Henri's strange attitude intrigues and troubles the child. Little by little Henri sinks into a murderous madness that culminates in the murder of two deserters. Then Henri declares war on the child and forces him to defend himself by adopting the behavior of a hunted soldier. The child tries to flee by following the railroad tracks. In vain. He is found then brought back to the house by Suzanne. Back at the Cazal mother's house, the child confronts Henri again, who throws him a final challenge. Henri goes to dig a trench near a well inhabited by a man who has been living underground since the beginning of the war. The child manages to flush him out. After having exhausted the ammunition of his slingshot, Henri lies down at the bottom of his trench and the child buries him. The child finds himself at the bedside of his father who has regained consciousness.

Le Juge et l'assassin (1975)

At the end of the 19th century, Joseph Bouvier is dismissed from the army because of his violent excesses. Following this dismissal, the man attacks his fiancée and tries to commit suicide, in vain. After a stay in a psychiatric hospital, Joseph comes out of this place even more enraged and decides to take revenge on all the people who will cross his path in Ardèche. Not far from there, Judge Rousseau, fascinated by the case, takes part in the investigation and follows Bouvier's tracks. Determined to put him under lock and key, this is the beginning of a manhunt.

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Les Deux Anglaises et le Continent (1971)

Anne, a young Englishwoman, meets Claude whom she introduces to her sister Muriel. After two years where the trio leads a life made of complicity and shared happiness, Anne and Muriel are both in love with their companion.

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At the beginning of the 20th century, Jules Auguste Duroc, a trained craftsman and handyman in his spare time, invented a revolutionary bicycle. It is his brother-in-law Lucien Médard who has to test it during the Paris-San Remo bicycle race. A combination of circumstances pushes Duroc to flee on his machine. He finds himself on the starting line of the famous race. The events will take a turn that the two companions had not imagined...

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Safari diamants (1966)

After stealing a diamond necklace, Raphaël Vincente, 25 years old and a bit lost, and his accomplice are attacked by thugs who steal the necklace. The accomplice is killed. Helped by Electre, the mistress of one of the thugs, Raphaël tries to recover the jewel...


We inform you that the large flea market in Lamastre will take place this Sunday, July 28th. On this occasion, parking and traffic will be prohibited on Place Seignobos, Place de la République, Place Montgolfier, Place Rampon, and on the streets Ferdinand Hérold, Boissy d'Anglas, Olivier de Serres, Square Chazallon, and Savel.

A detour will be set up via Frédéric Nodin, Ferdinand Charras, and Chalamet streets.

We look forward to seeing many of you at this convivial event!