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Breaking news

Discover the latest news and exciting events in the Pays de Lamastre. Stay up to date with the most recent information on local activities, festivals, must-visit destinations, and much more. Explore our region, follow inspiring stories, and plan your next adventure. The Pays de Lamastre has exceptional discoveries in store for you, so don't miss out on what's happening here!

🌍 THE TOURIST OFFICE OF THE pays de lamastre: ALWAYS CLOSER TO YOU 🌍 (12/03/2024)

We are pleased to announce that the Tourist Office of the Lamastre Region has just been renewed its classification as a category II establishment. This distinction reflects our ongoing commitment to providing quality hospitality and promoting tourism in our region.


It is with immense pleasure that we continue our mission to offer you services that are increasingly tailored to your needs. Whether you are passing visitors or residents of our charming region, we are dedicated to assisting you in discovering our local treasures and making your stay as enjoyable as possible.


Stay connected (#paysdelamastre) to discover all the latest news, events, and activities that we have in store for you. The team at the Tourist Office of the Lamastre Region remains at your service to provide you with the information you need to plan your next getaway with us.


We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Façade Office de Tourisme du Pays de Lamastre en 2023

🌟Destination Ardèche🌟 (29/02/2024)

Saturday, March 9th, from 10 am to 6 pm - Espace Jean Gilly, Le Pouzin


Enjoy a gourmet and artisanal market, explore the wine counter, savor delicious food trucks, and indulge in family-friendly activities. Discover the 2024 novelties, including the Spéléotruck and electric bike rides.


Check out the program of activities 📖 there.

Book your free entry 🎟️ over there.


Don't miss the opportunity to meet a hundred exhibitors, including tourist offices, tourist sites, institutions, networks, departmental unions, training organizations, and activity providers, all gathered in a shared space. 🤝

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📱 Connected tour 🔍 (02/01/2024)

Discover our connected tour through the Tag and Play app: a innovative experience to explore Lamastre in an engaging way! Simply activate the NFC, GPS, and Internet features on your phone and approach our terminals to start the adventure. In just 1.5 hours, immerse yourself in Lamastre's history by traversing the city and forest through an interactive circuit. Answer stimulating questions along the way for a fun and educational experience for the whole family.


Follow the directions of the yellow sign depicting a small train to locate the terminals. Place your phone on the round, white sticker to answer questions and progress through the game. The starting point is at the Tourist Office, where our team is available to guide you. An explanatory terminal at the entrance will help you understand how the game works.

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🎁 Ardèche under the Christmas Tree 🎄 (01/12/2023)

Ho ho ho... Christmas is just around the corner!


Feeling stuck on ideas for your gift list? No stress this year! Explore unique gift ideas "made in Ardèche": refined jewelry, treasures of local craftsmanship, delicious treats, flavorful wines, captivating books about our beautiful region, and even gift vouchers to offer without hesitation...


Order with ease from your couch and receive products that will sparkle in the eyes of your loved ones! Check out the merchants' website to directly access their online shop!


Ardèche under the Christmas Tree



🍂 Autumnal Pumpkin and Picodon Muffins 🍁 (08/11/2023)

In this time when the vibrant colors of autumn paint our landscapes, there's nothing quite like a recipe combining local produce to awaken your taste buds. Today, the Tourist Office of Pays de Lamastre invites you to discover a delicious creation: pumpkin and Picodon muffins.


📜 Recipe for Pumpkin and Picodon Muffins (serves 6)



- 1 mature Picodon cheese
- 200g pumpkin
- 2 onions
- 100g pancetta
- 2 tablespoons of oil
- 2 eggs
- 70g flour
- 1 packet of baking powder
- 40g soft butter
- Pepper




1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (th. 6/7).

2. Preparing the pumpkin: Cut the pumpkin into pieces and cook for 20 minutes in boiling water. Once cooked, drain and mash.

3. Preparing the main ingredients: Slice the onions, grate the Picodon cheese, and cut the pancetta into small pieces. In a pan, sauté the onions over medium heat, add the pancetta, and cook for 5 minutes.

4. Making the muffin batter: In a bowl, mix the softened butter and beaten eggs. Add the flour, baking powder, pumpkin puree, pancetta, onions, and grated Picodon cheese. Season with pepper and mix gently.

5. Baking the muffins: Pour this mixture into a muffin tin or six small ramekins. Bake for approximately 20 minutes.


These delightful muffins can be enjoyed warm or cold, as an appetizer or an entrée, accompanied by a fresh lamb's lettuce salad to enhance the tasting experience.


This recipe, provided by the Picodon Union, celebrates the authentic flavors of our region. The union of pumpkin, an autumn emblem, with Picodon cheese, a typical cheese of our region, transports you into a symphony of tastes and traditions.


🍽️ Enjoy your meal and happy tasting!


🍂 Automnal Gourmand #3 🍁 (09/25/2023)


"Automnal Gourmand" is back for its third edition throughout the month of October and spread across four territories: Pays de Lamastre, Pays de Montfaucon, Le Haut Lignon, and Val'Eyrieux.


📅 From September 30th to November 5th


The program includes a multitude of tastings, culinary workshops, local product stalls, and much more. Stay tuned for details on activities, schedules, and specific locations in each territory. The schedule


Don't miss this exceptional gourmet event celebrating the flavors of autumn in our beautiful region 🍴🍷🍂

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Ardèche customer survey (22/07/2023)

Have you visited us in 2023? Try to win a stay or one of the many other possible prizes by taking part in our online survey. Good luck and see you soon! 


How to take part? It's easy! Go to this address: www.ardeche.live/5


The questionnaire will only take about 10 minutes of your time, and your answers will remain strictly confidential.


By taking part in this customer survey, you are actively contributing to the improvement of our tourist destination.

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Lamastre's "18th Brocante - Vide-greniers" will take place on Sunday, July 23, 2023.


We are pleased to inform you that registration is now open!


Registration deadline: July 14, 2023.


We remain at your disposal for any further information you may require :

accueil@paysdelamastre.fr or



Registration form

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Mai à vélo is an opportunity for associations, communities, schools, companies and other French establishments to challenge each other during a local, national and unique bike activity challenge!


The objective: to make your community ride the most kilometers by bike during the month of May. All kilometers recorded with the Geovelo application are taken into account, and local and national rankings are established according to the type of entity, their size, and the geographical area of activity.


So join the CC du Pays de Lamastre community!



Farmers' market – « Farmers and artisans of Ay du Doux »

Monday 10 April 2023 - Ferme le Champs du Riou - Starting at 10 am

An unconditional market during which a host of producers present their good products. Take advantage of a privileged space where guided tours of the different farms, jazz, a farm meal, wooden games...


La Ballastine de Caractère

Saturday 15 April 2023

In the context of Printemps de la Rando, don't miss this very popular event in early spring.

Registration on site from 7am in downtown Lamastre - O'Gradins


Spring Hike

Saturday April 22th 2023 from 10am to 4:30pm - Empurany

Hike in the countryside around the village of Empurany, accessible to all with good shoes. From the Saint-Just chapel to the cross of the rock. Meal drawn from the bag.


Trail : La Voie Romaine

From 29 to 30 April 2023 - Désaignes

This trail,  recognized as the origin of this sport in France, has been anchored in history for more than 25 years. The village, classified as a "village of character", attracts visitors from all over the world to tackle the technical and wild courses.





Salon du Randonneur (17/03/2023)

Sébastien, in charge of hiking at the Tourist Office of the Pays de Lamastre, will be present with other tourist offices of the Ardèche and Drôme territory to promote our beautiful hiking trails at the Salon du Randonneur in Lyon.


On the program of this fair: 13 Rando-Festival meetings not to be missed, 24 interactive animations and more than 40 draws and contests on the stands.


  • Lyon Convention Center

  • From 24th to 26th March 2023


Salon du Randonneur

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Forum Destination Ardèche (27/02/2023)

Whether you are a backpacker, a sports, culture or heritage enthusiast, a cocooning fan, in search of nature or if you simply like to relax by the water... Destination Ardèche presents a 360° tourism offer.


Friday, March 10th from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm, a day reserved for tourism professionals with a conference at 3:30 pm co-hosted by the CCI and the ADT: 1 hour to discover the clientele of the Ardèche and prepare your tourist season.


Saturday March 11th from 10am to 6pm, open to all

The 7 good reasons to come :

- A gourmet market to promote short circuits
- The wine counter to discover our vineyards
- Captive flights to take a little height
- Family activities for young and old
- Tourist offices, museums, sites and activity providers for personalized
personalized advice
- Food trucks to treat yourself
- Prizes to be won all day long*.


There are bound to be a lot of ideas to consume at 2 steps from your home.


Information and registration


Have a gourmet winter! What could be better than sitting in a warm café, bar or restaurant with a hot drink and a good pastry?


Participate in workshops or courses! Workshops for young and old are offered, so let yourself be tempted by a cooking workshop, a sewing workshop, a jewelry creation workshop or a horse discovery course.


Relax at the movies! Several screenings are scheduled by " Écran Village " (https://ecranvillage.net/)


Let yourself be tempted by thematic visits! Take a walk in the heart of a chestnut grove or discover a leather factory in Désaignes.


Enjoy the markets! Lamastre and Gilhoc-sur-Ormèze markets take place all year round, so fill up on seasonal products!


Hike ! Go on the marked trails of the Pays de Lamastre (https://rando.pays-lamastre-tourisme.com). Take advantage of the winter hike of Empurany.

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Happy new year !

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Christmas at Pays de Lamastre (16/11/2022)


Markets • Contests • Christmas Menus • Concerts •


Throughout the month of December, all the actors of the Pays de Lamastre propose you appointments and animations on the theme of Christmas! Let's celebrate the end of the year period together! 


Programming (in progress) :




7 weeks to eat ! 


You missed us during the summer? Don't worry, we are waiting for you this autumn which is going to be animated! 


The program as hot as the Ardèche chestnuts is coming soon!


So don't wait any longer to book your most beautiful autumn in Ardeche, in #PaysdeLamastre! 

L'Instant Savoure Tout (10/08/2022)

This is not a simple market! 


Rendezvous on Thursday, August 25th from 6pm, Place Seignobos in Lamastre.


A TOKEN FOR A TREAT! For 5 euros, get your 5 "Savoure Tout"! This local currency will allow you to taste the fabulous gourmet tastings of local producers!


So that your children can play the game too, with each purchase of "Savoure Tout", tokens will be given to them to enjoy the wooden games area.

The Fanfare band of Lamastre will animate the market from 7:45 pm.


To finish in beauty, the visitors will be able to continue the evening in the terraces of Lamastre with the concert of "Zanarelli" (French songs) from 21h15.

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Balade à la fraiche (20/07/2022)

Guided walks at the end of the day all summer long with different themes (poetry, nature...) in the Pays de Lamastre in the company of passionate people!


Registration 2€ at the Tourist Office of the Pays de Lamastre (free for children under 12).


The programme:

- July 11: Château de Rochebloine, Nozières

- 12 July: Great and small stories of plants, Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon

- 19th July: Visit to a red fruit producer, Empurany

- 20th July: The Monteil tour, Le Crestet

- 21 July: The Vines, Désaignes

- 26th July: Discovery of fish farming, Labatie-d'Andaure

- 27th July: Introduction to the use of a compass, Gilhoc-sur-Ormèze

- 28 July: Great and small stories about plants, Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon

- August 4: Tour of the village and surrounding area, Saint-Prix

- August 8: Des Monts et des Vaux, Lafarre

- August 9: Big and small stories of plants, Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon
& Château de Rochebloine, Nozières

- August 11: Les Vignes, Désaignes

- August 16: Le Train, Lamastre

- August 17: Les Fables de la Fontaine, Saint-Basile

- August 23: Discovery of a biodynamic market garden, Empurany

- August 25: Great and small stories of plants, Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon

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Brocante 2022 - Registrations open (07/05/22)

The "17th Brocante - Vide-greniers" of Lamastre will take place on Sunday 24th July 2022.


We are pleased to inform you that registration is now open!


Application deadline: July 15, 2022.


We remain at your disposal for any additional requests



Dossier d'inscription

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Lamastre Express - Traffic 2022 (14/04/2022)

The Lamastre Express from Lamastre will run every Sunday in May, June and September and every day from Mastrou in July and August!


More informations here !

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Salon du randonneur 2022 - Lyon (04/02/2022)

The Tourist Office of the Pays de Lamastre and other offices in the Ardèche will be present at the Salon du Randonneur in Lyon from March 25 to 28.


Find our 22 marked hiking and biking trails in the Lamastre area on our hiking portal , on the app "Rando Monts d'Ardèche" and in paper version in our topoguide available for 4 € in our reception offices.

Randonnée Labatie d'Andaure

Happy New Year !

All the team of the Tourist Office of the Country of Lamastre wishes you their best wishes for this new year!
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L'Automnal Gourmand (04/09/2021)

Visits and animations • Gourmet parties • Gourmet menus


Experience a gourmet and festive autumn between Ardèche and Haute-Loire!

At the initiative of Jacques Marcon, famous french chef, four communities of communes (Haut-Lignon, Val'Eyrieux, Pays de Lamastre and Pays de Montfaucon) unite to promote good food. L'Automnal Gourmand is thus born between Ardèche and Haute-Loire and will take place from October 1st to November 7th 2021 for this 1st edition.

Complete program : https://fr.calameo.com/read/004800201f367b23c48b1


Souvenir (15/06/2021)

Mugs, magnets, DVDs, postcards, hats, frisbees, keychains... and others on sale at the Tourist Office of the Pays de Lamastre ! A lot of ideas to please yourself and to offer !


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Grand re-opening (10/05/2021)

The tourist office re-opened for you ! 

Lamastre's office : from tuesday to saturday from 10a.m. to 12.30 and from 2p.m. to 5p.m. and on sundays from 10a.m. to 12.30 and from 2p.m. to 4p.m.

Désaignes' office : wednesday and saturday from 10a.m. to 12.30 and from 2p.m. to 5p.m.

We will also be present at the arrival of "Mastrou" in the train station. 

Schedrule of Train de l'Ardèche : https://www.trainardeche.fr/infos-pratiques/horaires-et-tarifs/


Calendrier de circulation : trainardeche.fr/horaires-et-tarifs/



A new team (15/01/2021)

An attentive, passionate and dynamic team welcomes you all year round at the Lamastre office and from April to October at the Désaignes office.

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Wish list 100% Pays de Lamastre :


- Gîte de l'Escoussenas in Saint-Prix : 10% off coupon for a reservation for September 2021

- Gîte de la Gabbro in Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon: Coupon -10% for a reservation for October 2021

Spiruline des Monts d'Ardèche : Discovery basket 49€ instead of 53.50€ - Vitality basket 59€ instead of 66.50€.

Truites d'Andaure : (Promotion) Large rainbow trout: 13€/kg to 10€/kg (4 to 5 people)

Les cartons malins : Cardboard mirror : 60€.

Les Bergers des Chaupous : Organic Chestnut Creams: 5.50€ (400g)

Miellerie A Tire d'Aile : Royal jelly: The 10 grams cure is 20€ at the honey house.

Cave Desbos : Le chatus de l'Ardèche (red wine) : 8.20€

L'Art des Chemins : Discount of 5€ for the month of March / 60€ the room for two

Safran Lamastrois : Saffron Pistills : 10€ : 0.2g / 20€ = 0.2g / 20€ = 0.5g / 34€ = 1g and Chestnut Honey + all flowers : 15€ / Kg

- Le cabas de Steph' : Artisanal gingerbread with natural cut or with nuts : 19.20€ per kg



For an unusual Christmas, but a Christmas nevertheless, the Lamastre Tourist Office, the Union of Economic Partners of the Lamastre Canton and the brand new Lamastre Festival Committee have worked together to create this project which, in the absence of the traditional "Christmas in Lamastre", will warm our hearts...


This solidarity action, which will take place from December 8 to 24, aims to rally hearts around the beautiful spirit of Christmas while keeping our distance! 


Light is the key word of this illuminated operation based on 3 ideas: 


1/ Local businesses are invited by the Union des Commerçants to light up their windows to shine in the light of the beautiful month of December!
By lighting their shop windows they continue to bring the magic of Christmas to life and highlight their pretty gift ideas. Information : contact@upec-lamastre.com


2/ The inhabitants of Lamastre are invited by the Festivities Committee of Lamastre to participate in a photo contest of luminous decorations. Participations and information at the following address: comitefeteslamastre@gmail.com 


3/ The Tourist Office of the Pays de Lamastre invites the inhabitants of the area to gather around a simple gesture: light a candle at their window every evening! This sparkle should shine in the heart of everyone and rekindle the flame of the Christmas spirit. Information: ot.lamastre@orange.fr

These three actions only make sense thanks to the participation of each and every one of you!
Thank you all for your contribution to the success of this warm operation.



Markets (04/08/20)

On Tuesday and Saturday mornings, Lamastre comes alive with its traditional markets! On Sunday mornings, it's Gilhoc-sur-Ormèze's turn to offer local products!

For everyone's safety, from August 15th, remember to wear a mask to enjoy the market incognito and in complete safety!

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The machine starts again (04/06/20)

From Sunday June 14th we will be able to hear the train whistle again in the valley of the Doux! To cope with the new rules of life, remember to book your ticket before your departure! Calendar of circulation : trainardeche.fr/horaires-et-tarifs/

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Great initiatives in front of Covid! (30/03/20)

Here is a non-exhaustive list of actions implemented by our local economic players to ensure the continuity of many services! 
Support them and benefit from their know-how! 


Le Cabas de Steph : reparation of orders and expansion of the product range offered. Order at : 04 75 09 59 88

Les truites d'Andaure : drop off their trout at Steph's Cabas and many other points of sale. Order at : 04 75 06 08 89

La ferme du Mont : Christine and Olivier Collus bring you baskets of vegetables to Lamastre on Saturday at 4pm. Order at : 04 75 06 58 51

Bergers des chaupous : home delivery and sale at the farm. Order at : 04 75 06 69 96

Miellerie A tire d'aile : sale at the farm. Order at : 06 41 85 44 06

Boucherie de l'Eyrieux : home delivery. Order at : 04 75 06 42 78

Commune de Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon : deposit of baskets of fruits, vegetables, chickens... in the center of town. Order at : 06 13 61 35 17

Les relais de l'Ormèze : Odile offers baskets of fruits and vegetables. Order at : 06 07 87 78 28

Many other producers :  https://www.lamastre.fr/?Producteurs-locaux



The reference site dedicated to catering in Ardèche during the crisis


Auberge de Retourtour : 04 75 06 07 85
Chez Germaine : 06 46 09 85 33
La ferme Auberge de Jameysse : 04 75 06 62 94
Le Relais de Labatie : 04 75 07 06 38
Le Soleil Rouge : 04 75 06 63 81
Lo Straniero : 06 60 17 91 55
L'Arms Park : 04 75 06 44 10


The pizza truck in Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon on Monday and in Gilhoc-sur-Ormèze on Thursday is present.

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Train departures from Lamastre (01/03/20)

Two Lamastre Express departures will take place every Sunday from May to September and every day from Mastrou in July and August!

Ask for the calendar!

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Candlemas is coming! (17/01/20)

Mix 250g of chestnut flour and 250g of white flour. Dissolve this mixture in a little milk. Add 3 eggs, 70g of melted butter and a pinch of salt. Gradually pour in the 1 liter of milk, mixing until you obtain a smooth paste. Mix and leave to rest for an hour before cooking.

To your crepe makers!

Our little plus from Ardèche: serve the warm pancakes with honey or chestnut cream! 


Looking for Santa (14/11/19)

Every year, on the occasion of the Christmas Market, an incredible treasure hunt is set up! "On Santa's Trail" is taking a whole new turn this year! Go to the town hall at 3pm precisely to discover and participate in this life-size treasure hunt! Free game.

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One fabulous week-end (24/09/19)

A wonderful weekend is being fine-tuned in Lamastre on October 5 and 6!

At the "La Suche" cottage, Nadine and Véronique have created a programme of choice to combine the sweetness and tranquility of the Ardèche with the rediscovery of the joy of living through dance, especially oriental flamenco! It'll only last for one weekend, so enjoy it! (04 75 06 48 99)



Like the accommodation, the tourist offices can also be classified. If the former are in stars, the latter are divided into categories: I (the highest) and then II and III.

The decision to classify depends on the validation of the many imposed criteria. These are divided into two main themes:

obligations relating to the reception of visitors, including in particular: the reception facilities (Lamastre and Désaignes), their accessibility; updated information, available, particularly on the Internet, in two languages in addition to French.
internal organisation obligations, in particular: sufficient, qualified and experienced staff; organisation of information management: Apidae database; relations and services to service providers.
The objective of sustainable development is also taken into account.

The achievement of this classification is the result of the work carried out for many years by the team of the Intercommunal Tourism Office. It is also a recognition of the professionalism of the staff.

Since this ranking has been obtained for 5 years, the team thus recognized will continue its actions in order to maintain its commitment to the tourist and economic service providers of our territory and to the visitors and tourists we welcome.


The holiday continues in the Pays de Lamastre, and August still looks as festive as ever! Festive, but also sporty and tasty. On the agenda? Concerts, shows, theatre, tastings, cinema, theatre visits, nature trips, fireworks, village festivals or triathlon for the adventurous! Go to our "Agenda" page to find all our events!


Save the date! This year, the big flea market in Lamastre will take place on Sunday 28 July, from 9am to 6pm, in the city centre.

This 14th edition is the opportunity to search, hunt, stroll, share, exchange a few hours while looking for the right deal!

Would you like to participate as an exhibitor? Need to sort through your stuff? There is still time to register!

© Brocante Lamastre - Pauline Astier - 2018


Not yet registered for the famous Ardèche cyclo race? Don't hesitate, there's still time!

Many activities will be offered to you during this beautiful event! From Wednesday 19 to Sunday 23 June, the Pays de Lamastre has some beautiful surprises and discoveries for you by bike (or not)...! 


To hike and discover the region of the Pays de Lamastre, 22 circuits are at your disposal with the new topoguide, available in our offices in Lamastre and Désaignes!



Do you like the Lamastre market? It is up to you to ensure that he gets a good place on the podium of the most beautiful market in France!

You have until April 9, 2019 to participate by clicking on the link below:




Marché de Lamastre

Christmas is coming! (11/16/18)

The holiday season is approaching and we no longer know how to treat our loved ones!

Here are three essential ideas to find something to please everyone:

- Christmas market, the essential place for original gifts!

- From chocolate candies to pastries, Molès pastry store knows how to seduce your palate!

- Ardèche candied chestnuts, the favorite guaranteed for these sweet golden candies!


Chestnuts (09/25/18)

Even if some of them have already left the branch, most of them still gild themselves with the pill in the sun! Our pretty chestnuts are well protected in their bugs to grow bigger before emancipating themselves. Even if some of them start falling into our slopes, none of them are orphans, do not take them away from their owner!

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Back to school... (09/03/18)

The back-to-school season is also the time to make good resolutions!  

Creative and sports associations, hiking maps and events are available at the Tourist Office! And what will your good resolutions be? 

Place à l'actu 2

Holidays ! (08/09/18)

It's sunny, it's hot, we put on swimming suits! 

3 water places are well established in the Lamastre region: the Retourtour water place in Lamastre, the Salins beach in Désaignes and the beach on the Doux in Labatie d'Andaure. We enjoy it and above all, we have fun!


From Lamastre to Boucieu with the steam train ! (07/06/18)

Departure from Lamastre by steam locomotive will be possible from July 8! The Lamastre-Boucieu express will take you to Boucieu-le-Roi station. Arrived at the quay, the commented visit of the village of character will be proposed to those who wish it, while the others will be able to stroll and to be posed in terrace the time of a coffee or more if affinity.

Departure from Lamastre at 14h45 towards Boucieu-le-Roi steaming.
Return from Boucieu-le-Roi at 18h to Lamastre by diesel train.


The sun is back! (06/24/18)

Here we go! Summer is here! And who says been said: outings!!!!

The different programmes of animations, festivals, exhibitions (and so on!) are to be picked up at the Tourist Office. 

As every year, village festivals, medieval, concerts, flea markets, shows... will be there!

To receive our monthly events calendar, contact us at ot.lamastre@orange.fr


The Ardéchoise (05/29/18)

Make way for the world's largest mountain bike race from June 20 to 23! That's over 13,000 runners already registered! Whether you pedal or not, you have to prepare for these special days: roads blocked or redesigned for the occasion, many runners on the roads who are already training hard and hundreds of volunteers who criss-cross the roads! We must be more vigilant as we approach this great event!


The train is back on the rail (03/14/18)

Take a seat on board the Train de l'Ardèche, which will be back in service on Sunday 25 March ! It's soon Easter and on this occasion you can board the steam locomotive which will drop you in a small secret corner for a big egg hunt! Sign up, there won't be room for everyone!


Chestnuts (10/10/17)

Nothing better to enjoy winter than to grill a few fleshy chestnuts, nestled by the fire! To please you, our chestnuts producers are working to collect these sweet "winter candies" which will be very rare this year... Yes, no rain, no chestnut! Don't delay in getting your supplies! 



We inform you that the large flea market in Lamastre will take place this Sunday, July 28th. On this occasion, parking and traffic will be prohibited on Place Seignobos, Place de la République, Place Montgolfier, Place Rampon, and on the streets Ferdinand Hérold, Boissy d'Anglas, Olivier de Serres, Square Chazallon, and Savel.

A detour will be set up via Frédéric Nodin, Ferdinand Charras, and Chalamet streets.

We look forward to seeing many of you at this convivial event!